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The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, is the focus of collecting one's personal harvest, including what you have learned, what you have decided is important and what you have decided to get rid of, your plans for making productive use of the autumn and winter months, including thoughts of the holidays that fall within this time, and your own personal viewing and self-exploration of your own inner Being. How have you changed, what are you beginning, and what have you completed, and most significantly, how have you begun to further and more deeply understand your Self?
The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, is the focus of collecting one's personal harvest, including what you have learned, what you have decided is important and what you have decided to get rid of, your plans for making productive use of the autumn and winter months, including thoughts of the holidays that fall within this time, and your own personal viewing and self-exploration of your own inner Being. How have you changed, what are you beginning, and what have you completed, and most significantly, how have you begun to further and more deeply understand your Self?
My personal analysis of the details of a person's Being relies on the Celtic concept of the Three Realms, known as Land, Sea, and Sky, and representing Body, Mind, and Spirit. So in planning this Hop, I suggested the reading technique I am now using, I am drawing three cards for each of the Realms, nine cards total. And they will answer for me three questions, one set for my Body, one for my Mind, and one for my Spirit. The questions are:
1. What do I need to know about the current condition of my (Body, Mind, Spirit) that I am not aware of right now?
2. What is the most important thing on which I need to focus in the realm of my (Body, Mind, Spirit) as I move into the winter months?
3. What is the main content and context of the harvest of better health, new ideas, or deeper spiritual resonance, allied with Body, Mind, or Spirit, that I am going to receive if I focus on these things?
So here are my cards, and my interpretations, of what this year's Harvest consists of, and what I will be doing with it. Here we go:
So here are my cards, and my interpretations, of what this year's Harvest consists of, and what I will be doing with it. Here we go:
BODY: Three cards drawn are as follows:
1. What do I need to know about the current condition of my Body that I am not aware of right now?
I am being told that I need to pay attention to the useless amount of fat in my body, as well as the uselessness of some of the things I am eating and some of the exercise I am NOT doing--it is useless not to exercise. It is useless to eat things that don't help me lose weight. It is useless not to use my body so I can make it work better.

What is the most important thing on which I need to focus in the realm
of my Body as I move into the winter months?
This card is reminding me that I will sabotage myself as I have done many times if I assume I will fail at what I am trying to do. I need to act and move positively with a positive attitude that says I will succeed in what I wish to do. Failure is not an option to consider.

What is the main content and context of the harvest of better health,
new ideas, or deeper spiritual resonance, allied with my Body, that I am going to receive if I focus on these things?

1. What do I need to know about the current condition of my Mind that I am not aware of right now?
I have been too focused on things that are concerned with other people and have not even focused myself on new ideas or things I care about. This has the effect of disempowering me, as I am not paying attention to my own ideas, needs, or intuitive awarenesses. I need to be careful to realize that the harvest of the given year is MY harvest, and focus on, and think of, what matters to ME.
2. What is the most important thing on which I need to focus in the realm of my Mind as I move into the winter months?
This card is my personal reminder that I must value my own ideas and impulses and see the richness of my own ideas, instead of always feeling that other people come first and that I must have the approval of someone else before I consider working on a given idea of my own. My personal richness is, like that of everyone else, the Gift of Life, and no one else has the same mind or same ideas as any other person. So I must see my own Richness and decide what to do with it.

2. What is the most important thing on which I need to focus in the realm of my Mind as I move into the winter months?
3. What is the main content and context of the harvest of better health, new ideas, or deeper spiritual resonance, allied with my Mind, that I am going to receive if I focus on these things?
What a privilege to know that my personal Goddess, Brighid, is going to light her Fire of Wisdom in my Mind if I am only willing to work towards understanding my own thoughts and ideas. I promise I will do that--I want this Harvest! Beannacht Bhrighide!
The Goddess Isis is the representation of looking beyond the obvious, and seeing all aspects of a given situation. In the realm of Spirit, this might be a suggestion, in answer to the question above, that I have more going on in my Spirit life than I am noticing, and that it is time to pay attention to the inner voices, and hear the genuine messages of the God/desses.
White Buffalo Woman was the Goddess of the Lakota who enabled them to know all the many uses of the buffalo other than simply for food, and represents the way my own Spirit will become more able to see variations on things I thought I knew, understand the deeper meaning of things, and resonate with inner connection to Spirit in ways I have never known. This is a Harvest I am definitely grateful to have!!!

1. What do I need to know about the current condition of my Spirit that I am not aware of right now?

2. What is the most important thing on which I need to focus in the realm of my Spirit as I move into the winter months?
Here is Odin the All-Powerful, hanging powerless from the Tree of Life, to encourage his brethren, the Midir, not to fear him but to come and communicate with him. I need to focus on the things and people with whom I share Spirit, such as my coveners and my Pagan community, and I need to make absolutely sure that I am including each and every one of my community members in creating the world of Spirit which we share together. I am not here alone, and I need to create connection so that my Spirit harvest will be complete.
3. What is the main content and context of the harvest of better health, new ideas, or deeper spiritual resonance, allied with my Spirit, that I am going to receive if I focus on these things?

Nice to see the Haindl at work... You seem to have a lot of guidance on hand for the Spirit, with all those lovely court cards!
ReplyDeleteGreat reading! It seems like you have good things in store.