I don't truly consider myself an "avatar of wisdom", so I am not certain I walk through my life with a need and desire to "teach the world" anything--at least not from the perspective of "let me teach you because I know so much better than you do". However, I do see in myself a great desire to assist others in seeing themselves clearly and positively, and doing, from their own perspective, all the good they can to all the people they can ... actually, John Wesley gave me the words I try to actualize in my own life, and help others to do likewise. He said, " “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” This would make a world so amazingly more positive and powerful than the one we live in, that I hope to try every day to actualize as much of this amazing goal as I can. And so--
....how does the Tarot fit in here? Well-- we do all know the meaning, if we read Tarot, of the concept of the "significator". This is the card representing the person for whom the reading is being done, and each card in the layout is interpreted partly in reference to the significator, and their interactions work to introduce the concepts of thought and action and inspiration one hopes to have a reading bring forth. So--here is a suggestion, something I will try to teach to each one who reads this, and anyone who asks me to give them ideas about living life better. Every Full Moon, I draw three cards, for my Self, to give me the concepts of exactly what I must focus on in the walk of this Moonth. I draw these in connection with the Irish "three realms" which I grew up with--"Land, Sea, and Sky" which connect to "Body, Mind, and Spirit". And these answer for me, "What do I do, what do I think, and how does that impact my Inner Realm of Spirit?" And just as an example, for this Moonth, here are my cards, drawn on Sunday's Full Moon. I will walk in harmony with these ideas for this month, will make note of how they impact me, what I learn and what I can do about it, and then will do it again the following Full Moon. And so--Full Moon of Willow, healer of Body, Mind, and Spirit, what did you suggest I should learn?
This card is a reminder that I am far too likely to try to change my body's parameters, my way of moving and eating and resting and exercising, and therefore I sometimes don't recognize the state my body is actually in or what I might need. SO this card is saying "Don't interfere with your Body's natural processes, and do your best to permit your physical being to modulate in harmony with what you really are doing and experiencing, instead of constantly trying to change things. What IS, is what is important. Before you try to change it, experience it and learn from it."
I have had some difficult times lately, and this card is reminding me that healing the mind is based on love and acceptance of who you ARE, what you truly think and feel, and trying to use your actual Self as a tool for good and healing not just for yourself but for others. So I am working on loving who I am and not being so annoyed because I am not yet what I hope to become. Every moment matters, and Now is all we ever have. Live in the Now.
This is the card that reminds us that Spirit is Real, that it manifests through our Mind and Body, and that "new beginnings" happen every day. So let your Spirit cleanse itself with each night's sleep, and awaken with a focus on what will Be, and how it will inspire us. What is Spirit, is Life. Don't let the past weigh you down. Each day is another beginning, and you can make it happen.
And if I could do so, this, and the Wesley quote which sources it, is what I would teach the World. Live and Learn, each and every one of you. And---don't forget that your most significant teacher is your own Body, Mind, and Spirit--your Self. Give honor to that Being. And learn.