No need to say anything about the absolute horror US residents woke up to this morning. We're going to have to gird up our loins, gather our friends and families about us, look deep into our hearts for sustenance, and figure out how we can move forward without letting what is living in the White House make us forget who we are. Here's a couple of clues. Card one--what will be our guide and guardian through this time of the dark? Card two--how can we focus our Selves to create a safe and wholesome refuge for the next four years? Here we go:
Our Guide: We see here the "swiftness" of definite goals, focused power of the Will, dedicated persistence. And--we see this as our only saving grace during the times to come. We can't just sit in the corner and rock and weep. We are who we are. We are strong and powerful and focused and we have our ethics and our goals and our Deep Self, each one of us, who knows our own inner compassion, integrity, and the Soul of our Being. We look for a Guide, a Guardian, and to each of us, the Universe says, "You ARE who you need, right here, right now. You KNOW what is right, you have love, compassion, and determination without needing to fall to the haters and the dividers of society. Be your Self, your True Self, and help one another move swiftly forward. Four years is not forever--take it one day at a time, and focus on your goal and your Being. You can DO this!"
Card Two; Our Focus
Here is Our Lady Brighid, Goddess of the Three Fires. Fire in the Head--what do you KNOW to be true, to be real, to be necessary? Fire in the Heart--about what are you passionate, dedicated, truly devoted? Fire in the Hands--what can you create, become, sustain, with your actions, your words, your smithcraft, which is your ability to forge what you need in the fire of your own will and dedication. The card is the Universe telling us, "Don't lose your Self. You have not been defeated, but rather called to action. You KNOW, you WILL, you DO. Keep on keeping on, and sustain your Self and the Other with the fires of love, integrity, compassion, and creation. Become who you Are, and know you are not alone.
We live, we breathe, we care, we know. And we will help one another to Walk in Beauty