Well, let's say--it's complicated....
Seems as if my own focus on doing certain things every day has been rather interfering with what I was supposed to be....well, never mind. Let's just say that things got interesting, and my focus reverted to moi-meme and who and what I am supposed to be--....My, my...that IS, well, interesting....That's twice now that the word "be" wouldn't permit me to put a gerund after it--I think that's the point. It has been about what I am supposed to Be. And that meant, nothing has been going on except inside MOI. And that's important, and that's ok. I hope no one has held hir breath waiting for TarotWitching--because sometimes you just have to tend to the tree, instead of plucking the fruit. So--we'll be back on the first of May, with a contribution to the Tarot Blog Hop. Until then--be well, be your Self, and tend your own Flame--I am.....