This card was contributed to the Utah Maninni Tarot by Magpie Rainsinger, Doyenne of MountainShadows Clan of Toteg Tribe in Salt Lake City. Here is the description and interpretation of the card as submitted for the deck:
Composition: This card is pictures I have taken on MountainShadows Clan outings in and around the Salt Lake Valley. None of the photos is anyone else's work, and none has been altered.
The Goddess Utah: These pictures were taken in Affleck Park, the Great Salt Lake, the redrock country, and up Millcreek Canyon. All of them represent the Goddess in her strength and power.
Card Meaning: The photos I chose may represent enduring strength in Nature, those things that cannot be defeated, even by time. Strength is more endurance than power, more persistence than aggression. If you receive this card in a reading, upright it represents the need to maintain your position, your integrity, your focus. If reversed, either you are falling into a position of bullying rather than strength, or you are exerting your power on the wrong object.
Today, this card comes on the crux of the waning moon, moving from the second quarter of Rowan to the Dark Moon of Ash. It resonates with your TarotWitch to the tune of "take your power!" We have come out of the darkness of winter and are moving towards the fashioning of tools for our journey into the new spring of a new year. I think of the Celtic Triads, "Three things from which never to be moved: One's oaths, one's Gods, and the Truth." You have your own Truth, reader, and your own oaths to your Self, and the help of your Gods. Be strong, be not moved. Take your Power! and do with it what you Will....