Today is Election Day USA, and yesterday, Monday November 7th, was the first day of our new "time cycle". as we "Fell Backwards" on Sunday. So....two cards to see, one for Monday, revealing what we have fallen backwards into, and one for today, revealing what we might like to elect to do about it. Here we go...
Monday--Falling Back. Daughter of Cups, (Brighid) reversed.
Our Lady of the Three Flames is standing on her head today. She is telling us that we have to be careful not to fall back into the habit of letting other people "light our fires". Fire in the Head--inspiration. Fire in the Heart--Passion. Fire in the Hands--Creation. They are OURS, ours to know and feel and experience and DO. If we fall into that old habit of looking to other people for inspiration and instruction, all three fires will soon go out. Please, please, turn my Goddess over onto her strong feet and relight your own three Flames!
And here we have it! Simply follow your own three fires, your inspiration, your passion, and your action--and know that if you do what you are inspired to do, and the things about which you are passionate, you cannot fail here!