Offline Wednesday and Thursday dealing with a funeral, so here are the cards I drew but couldn't post. I feel the order they were drawn is also significant in addition to each card's meaning, so we're reading them together:
Wednesday Draw:
Thursday Draw:
Friday Draw:
And so, the ongoing message: Isis is the symbol of the combination of power, passion, and nurturing tenderness. She focuses on the goal she has in mind, but does not neglect those under her care, and walks her own path while giving love and protection to those who walk with her. So she is well able to deal with the idea of "oppression" indicated by the 10 of Rods--and she can do this without descending to the level of yelling and screaming back at those who are attempting to oppress her. Instead, she joins forces with the energies of Kali, whose anger and ability to destroy will kill the very idea of oppression, simultaneously with Kali's nurture and power to give birth to brand-new ideas and ways of dealing with difficult circumstances. So--Keep your eyes on the prize(Isis), and permit no one's oppression to distract you(10 of Wands), knowing that you not only have the strength to persevere but the ability to take an entirely new road to your goal (Kali)
Walk In Beauty, Friends!