Today is February 9, or 9/2/2015. That comes out to a 19, which in numerological terms is 10. So--a one, and a zero. An end, and a beginning. On our life's journey, we follow the twisted path on our very own "Unicycle", with our Selves being the Uni, the One, the unity, the focus of our YOUniverse, and with each and every day taking us further on the journey--until. Until, periodically, at regular intervals, we complete a cycle and start a new one, often without our even realizing it is happening. So, friends, let's begin to Pay Attention to the dance of the days, and realize that we are finishing, and beginning, many things, all the time, often without noticing. I have a challenge for you--each and every time the numerological value of a given date comes out a 10, a number that denotes both a completion and a new beginning, draw two cards for your Self--what have I completed, at least for this last cycle, and what is now beginning? Let's do that now, and see where we are.
Card 1: the value of 10--Completion
The cup seems to be forming before our eyes, with golden light and water spiraling upwards into the shape of a cup. Rachel Pollack, Haindl's chosen author of the books explaining the mysteries of his Tarot deck, says this symbolizes our personal evolution, “the spirit rising through its experiences to a higher level”. As the Holy Grail, the Ace of Cups seems to represent the completion of the number 10, which is both the beginning spiral and the end point of the quest. It is both the thing that we seek and the call to seek it. It calls us to begin our own personal Grail quest. And drawing this card tells us that we have achieved a crux point in our endeavors to seek within our Selves the Holy Grail of our own Being, and that we are ready to begin the next phase of the journey.
Card 2: the 1 and the 0...The New Beginning
Between the two rock faces, of contrasting colors, in a gentle snowfall, hang suspended two swords, both point down and arranged to depict the balance of truce. This card is the avatar of coming to both the beginning and the end of a personal journey. The cypress trees on either side of the silent path, and the small orb of either the Sun or the Moon hanging in the distant sky, together with the blue of peaceful inner contemplation, let us know that the new journey will be one where we travel Within, where we look at the double-edged sword of our own Inner Being, and begin to balance our active and receptive Will with one another, so that we can begin to learn how to gain what we seek without having to come to War with ourselves or another to achieve our end. Peace. Truce. Begin a silent journey and make it with inner balance. We can do this. Let's begin.
Aisling the Bard