Sunday, January 29, 2012


January 29, 2012: Five of Lakes and Rivers, Utah Maninni Three Tarot

This card was created for the Utah Maninni Three Tarot, the theme of which was "The Goddess Utah". All the suits, therefore, had some connection with the natural world of the state of Utah, and the Suit of Cups was represented by Utah's lakes and rivers. This card was created by Cue Bee, the alias of a well-beloved member of our community, who has, unfortunately, passed beyond the veil. Here is his interpretation of his card:

The Card: This is one of the pools at Raging Waters, and I like it because it is one of the places people go here to cool off. It seems like in a desert, you're always looking for water, and my grandkids love this place. I like it for the five of cups, because the five is always about a diversion or a change of direction, a tangent, as it were, and going to an amusement park is a diversion most people need to take advantage of more often than they do. The Goddess Utah is represented by all the many places people who live here have made the desert 'blossom as a rose' and put water into the desert, even water just for fun.

The Meaning: Fives are about tangents, like those water jets spraying in every direction. And the meaning, upright or reversed, is simply that your emotions are getting the best of you, and you need a diversion. Lighten up, go have some fun. It will all go better if you do that. 

Just think about that. Here you are, Sunday morning, looking towards another week of working at whatever you work at, at making sure you're responsible, at getting it all done, or trying to. In that calendar you're looking at--is there an appointment for "me time"? Is there something scheduled just for fun, just for rejuvenation, just for YOU? If not--do that. Take a day, take a few hours, take a minute, for hell's sake! Take a detour, take a rest. Take joy!!!