Today, the Four Elements will show us a path and a direction for our endeavors. All of us are connected, each and every day, to the basic elemental energies of human life--we breathe, we act, we live in our bodies, and we feel our, today, let's let those energies give us some guidance. And let's call on the Sidhe to assist us in knowing what to do with those energies.

From the Faery-Fire Oracle, we have drawn the Warrior--She who inspires us to hold our place, to breathe deeply of our own inner wisdom, and not let the circumstances of life draw us aside from our path or defeat us. She is our Inspiration to hold to our Selves and stand firm in the face of opposition.
Fire-- Will

Our Will, intent, and desire this day is to interact positively with those whom we cherish, family, friends, community. We will be a strong and loving presence in the groups which call to us, and do what we know to be right as concerns our interaction with other beloved and honored humanfolk, our Kith and Kin.
Earth-- Being

Today we will explore the Deep Self, the Shadow, the Child Within. We are more than the externals of our Being--we are our own hidden Being, our past, our memories, our unexplored potential and our hidden wishes and needs. Today, the Ghost Within reminds us that life in the moment requires acknowledging our entire Being, and Paying Attention to that within as we do to that without.
Water--- Feeling
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