Here we are once again, climbing the 'hump' of midweek. Seems as if we just began this week's journey, and we're halfway there--but do we really know where we're going? Some of us do, and some of us are still wondering. So, today being Hump Day with a clear vantage point from which to look both backwards and forwards, let's do that. Let's examine the balance of the days past compared with the days to come, and decide to what we ought to be Paying Attention.
This task will lead us to a four-card draw, representing the four tools with which we navigate our lives, mind, will, body, and emotions. Let's look at the meaning of each card, look back at this week so far, and forward at the days to come, and decide how to keep these tools in balance to achieve our most successful outcome.
Mind: What Inspires Me?

Here's Osiris, the Prince of Swords, and even the image on this card is a perfect avatar of "balance". The eyes gaze deeply into your mind, prompting you to "look at yourself" and examine what you are thinking, why, what it might mean. In one hand the flail and in the other the crook, the balance between what must be driven out of your mind because it doesn't serve, and what should be gathered in because it does. And those swords, themselves an avatar of careful selection, this but not that, discrimination between what is worth thinking and keeping and what should not be given headroom. So--follow the inspiration of Osiris, and balance your mind.
Will; What Is My Will?

Chief Seattle seems to be a theme for this week, and his own energy in the tales about him and in his gaze piercing deeply from the face of this card all seem to invoke the same burning question about our Will and desire--Whom does it serve? Are we willing that which is in harmony with our True Will, the purpose of our existence, or are we letting ourselves be distracted by the wants of the moment? Can we remain in our power without giving in to the temptation to exert power-over? Are we truly doing what we Will, what is in our inner being, or are we simply falling into the trap of 'yes, because I can'? This one is a hard one to keep checking, but essential to the development of our True Will and the Empowered Self. So let's take a long hard look and listen to what we're telling ourselves. Chief Seattle, the Guardian of Earth, is suggesting that in matters of the conflict between Will and Want, we ask ourselves the seminal question, "Whom Does It Serve?" That response will assist us in remaining on the Path.
Body: What Am I Doing?

The card of Aeon is a powerful one. It tells you that this is a time of
change. The person who receives Aeon becomes "reborn" into a new
situation. This may involve a real change in circumstances--a new job, a
move to a new home, a new relationship. Sometimes, the new situation is
psychological, a new way of looking at life in which everything becomes
fresh. You may have thought that 'business as usual' was the order of the day, but this tells you that, whatever you thought you were doing, and to whatever end, it is all the preliminary to a time of seminal self-awareness as everything is about to become something else. So--whatever you thought you were doing, remember it is a foundation to the rebirth which is an essential part of your journey this cycle. Hang on and enjoy the ride!
Emotions: What Am I Feeling?

The Sun is an odd card to draw for feelings, but Haindl's imagery works very well to describe them. This card shows the Sun itself as a labyrinth, as our feelings, shining brightly on the Rose of our Being, are often convoluted and spiral to center and back again. The rune Gyfu in the upper right corner can be seen, as emotions are often evaluated, as meaning either a "gift" or a "curse". And the Hebrew letter Resh, the Head, as well as the landscape showing a sun shining on a single rose, remind us that the Head of our Being is often found in the flux and flow of labyrinthine feelings. But our intuition, our dreams, and our own inner bell will always assist us in making our feelings the Sun which shines upon our Roe of Becoming, as we understand our own emotional life and use it to assist ourselves in blooming under the Sun.
Shine, smile, and look over the Hump--the rest of the week awaits you!
Aisling the Bard.
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