Friday, September 21, 2018

Tarot Blog Hop, Mabon 2018: Restoring the Balance

 Blog Before Me                                          Master List                                 Blog After Me

 For this year's Hop honoring the week-long festival of Mabon, our awesome Wranglers, Jenn Waltner & Louise Underhill, asked us to consider the concept of balance, as Mabon is that time when the light and dark are equal, and we might like to see if the events of our own lives follow that pattern of balance. My own thoughts on this concept created for me a "light and dark" layout for my Mabon reading, resembling the concept of yin-and-yang, and focusing on the idea: "What do I need more of, and what do I need less of, going into the realm of winter?"

So--how does one do this? I had an idea that seemed to call upon Spirit to connect me with what is needed and what is finished, as drawing cards in this fashion needs to be completely in the realm of Spirit, not my own pre-planned choices. So--I simply spread out my entire Haindl Tarot in a curved format, all 78 cards creating a rainbow-shaped pattern on my table. And then I thought of this year, 2018, numerologically a Master Number, the number 11. It seemed as if that needed to be in there somewhere. So--Mabon is the 21st of September, the 9th month, and I used the patterns of the numbers to create the method of choosing cards. I began at either end, and counted from each end to draw the cards, number 11 for the year, number 9 for the month, and numbers 21 and 3 for the festival itself. And there I had it--four cards from each direction, from left to right indicating what I needed to increase, and from right to left indicating what I needed to decrease, to create balance in my life. So, here we go:

Card Number 11
What needs to increase? The three of cups represents commingling one's own ideas with the input and support of family and friends, which will result in filling one's cup to "overflowing". So, for me, this winter, less alone-time and dark moods, and more recognition of the joy and love I have available to me, to share and delight in. 

What needs to decrease? The Son of Cups, Parsival after the achievement of the Holy Grail, represents the idea of being willing to let go of things that have been completed, even if they did not turn out as one desired. It is time to admit the quest to be over, see what has actually occurred, and decide what that means to me while looking at the bigger picture.


Card Number 9
What should I do more of? The Two of Swords, entitled "Peace", represents the concept of permitting certain things to simply be what they are. Have patience. There are circumstances in which action is better than non-action. This, however, is not one of them. Remain silent as much as possible and allow things to settle. A little meditation can help you achieve greater objectivity. You do not have enough information, as all the evidence hasn't come in yet. Be at peace, and let things develop before you attempt to act.
What should I do less of? The Son of Swords, Osiris of the All-Seeing Eye, can also represent someone who simply believes that their own view is the only correct one, and refuses to listen or to take other viewpoints into account, especially in a situation of disagreement with others. Don't let yourself feel that you MUST be right and everyone else is wrong. Don't just Look, Listen. You don't have all the answers.


Card Number 21

What should I do more of? The Sun is the representation of the High Self, one's actual persona, no matter how little of it one usually sees. Let your light shine. Be confident in the sacred power of your original nature. The card  suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible. The Sun card advises you to have confidence in your natural divinity. Throw off any cultural conditioning that keeps you from being authentic with yourself.

What must I do less of? Sometimes you simply can't change or act on a circumstance, no matter how hard you try. So stop resisting your circumstances and let some time go by. Eventually, you will be released a little wiser and not much the worse for wear. You will come to realize in time how you collaborated with the problem.


Card Number 3

What must I do more of? The Mage represents the High Self, one's own personal power and ability, and the concept of creating one's reality in accord with one's own skill and talent, utilizing the resources available. Simply put, what I must do more of is to simply Become, and Be, my Self. All power lies within. Find it and use it.

What must I do less of? Stop sending your Self negative vibes, believing that everything is going to fail, that your own resources are not sufficient to deal with what Life sends you. The Tower is NOT coming down--but you may be remodeling it. Let yourself have some positive energy, and stop acting as if your life is beyond your control. It isn't. Only YOU can be YOU. So do it.


This reading told me things I really needed to know about keeping and restoring the balance of my life. I am so grateful to the Wranglers and the Blog Hoppers for the opportunity. May all of us receive Balance and know how to sustain it! Mabon Blessings on you all!

 Blog Before Me                                          Master List                                 Blog After Me