Today is Monday, beginning a new week, and this day also begins a new month. So a three-card draw, looking ahead, asking:
1)What will be the significant energy of the week/month to come?
2) Why is it important to me?
3) How should I deal with it?
1)What will be the significant energy of the week/month to come?
The 10 of Swords signifies outside influences interfering with one's own ideas, and the word "Ruin" indicates what happens to our minds when we permit ourselves to be overly influenced by others' perspectives and ideas and fail to think for ourselves. So the reversal of this card indicates some upcoming situations in which it is going to be highly significant for us to NOT permit others' ideas to influence us, but go with our own perspective.
2) Why is it important to me?
The Strength card indicates claiming one's personal power in the face of opposition, and so the answer to "why" is "because you are going to be needing to stand up for yourself, and so your own inner strength and your own ideas and ideals are your necessary tools."
3) How should I deal with it?
Nuit, the Egyptian Sky-Queen, gives us the ability to put to rest what needs to die, or sleep, to look into the darkness for the light which shines for us alone, and to awaken from under the starry sky of night to day's brightness, rested, aware, and ready for the challenge. You can do this.
Walk in Beauty!