Blogger before me: Chloe
Blogger following me: Joanne Sprott
Master List: Right Here
Queen of Pentacles am I...
Balance, harmony, I scry
In the five points of the Star
Showing you just where you are...
Are you open to my Air?
New thoughts, ideas. Do you care?
Can you think your ideas through?
If not, I'll Inspire you!
Are you open to my Fire?
With your Will, do you aspire
To claim your Power, burning bright?
If not, I have for you a Light!
Are you open to my Water?
Do you flow, my Son, my Daughter,
Do you feel before you think?
If not, I'll help you--here's a Drink!
Are you open to my Earth?
Is every day, for you, rebirth?
Are you authentic? To your Self, true?
If not, I'll help. Now, You, meet You!
Are you open to my Spirit?
If not, I'll help you. See it, hear it,
Feel it, Be it. In my Cauldron, warm
And simmering, I'll transform.
You see, I am the Ancient Queen
Of All That Is, Seen and Unseen.
I am the Mother of all Life,
Of Father, Mother, Husband, Wife.
At Lughnassadh I help you harvest
All you have planted. And you are best
Qualified to understand
Your Harvest, given by my Hand.
So here and now, I share with you
What you have done. What will you Do?
@Aisling the Bard, Lughnassadh 2014
All Rights Reserved
Blogger before me: Chloe
Blogger following me: Joanne Sprott
Master List: Right Here