Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Daily Draw, January 7: What Do The Fae Say?

Today is "Hump Day", the middle of the week, where we have a few days to look back upon, and a few to look forward to before the commencement of the following week. It is a time when people feel themselves beginning to 'get there' as regards their goals for the week, but also wonder how they're doing, and look at what is to come with either anticipation or trepidation. So--let's see, today, what's behind and what's before, to assess how we're doing and get some focus for what's to come.

Today's draw uses the Faery-Fire Oracle, a tool of my own creation, and works with the Realms of the Sidhe and Irish Faery-Lore.  We're drawing two cards, a look back and a look forward, to see what we will learn from the Fae-Folk about our progress and our upcoming journey. Here we go....

Card 1: Looking Back: Ocean Moon Faery, Flux and Flow, Fortune and Fate

The Faeries Say: Things are changing in ways you did not expect, and some of the decisions you made earlier in life are beginning to flow back into prominence at the present time. You do not like change, and you are feeling disoriented by the way things do not seem to stay in one place. This is a time for you to understand that the change you are experiencing is part of your process, and especially that there are emotional undercurrents that need addressing now. It is not time to ignore your feelings. But it is important not to let your dislike of change and emotional instability keep you from doing what needs to be done.

Card 2: Looking Forward: The Faery-Fetch: Go Thou And Do My Will

The Faeries Say: The Fetch is the part of the Psyche that we "send out" to do our Work in the world. The kinds of things we send the Fetch to bring to us are courage, patience, insight, people skills, frugality, industry, and all kinds of other qualities people need in order to make their way in their families and societies. The Fetch is a powerful Avatar. Ask your Fetch what you should be looking to find, and send your Fetch to get it for you. Looking into the remainder of the week, you will have some inner Guidance, and that might assist with what you have planned and with conquering the inner turmoil the other card is pointing out to you. 

Have a Faery-Full week, my friend, starting with a great day today!


Aisling the Bard 

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