This suit represents the rational mind and its ability to discriminate. Swords cut through things in order to pierce illusion, to differentiate between fantasy and reality.
In the image of this Ace, a single upraised sword represents your prime motive or guiding ideal -- the vision that guides you through life's changing fortunes with single-minded clarity. You are thinking clearly and it is necessary to focus on your primary objective and not permit yourself to be distracted from your intent. You journey into Darkness in this season, but within you is the piercing Light of knowledge and the desire to attain a given objective. You are the Light within, so focus and shine!
Reed Moon--Hearth and Home:

The Reed Moon is representative of Hearth and Home, and every home has some times of mess, chaos, and lack of focus on the family and the benefits of family connection. Anyone who has children and/or a spouse knows how often conflict and argument disrupt the peace of the homestead. This card suggests that there may be in the dark and cold of winter some difficulties to overcome, and that the most important thing to do is focus on the positive impact of connection, love, and peace that can be found within the home. Don't let yourself be discouraged if things sometimes get out of hand. You can bring order out of chaos with the force of love and will.
Into the Dark: The Onset of Winter
The Hermit: Silent Journey
The Hermit is s/he who slips quietly into the Darkness, his/her lantern showing the way down one's own private road. The rune "Ice" and the Hebrew letter for "Hand" represent your ability to walk quietly though the dark which is surrounding you, maintain your inner peace and stability through the cold of winter, and focus only on your inner journey and the places you need to go within your own mind. You are able to take on the cloak of the Hermit and this is the time to focus within and begin to understand the peace and intuitive learning to be found by looking into your own darkness and figuring out what awaits you there.
Walk in Beauty!