7: The Animal Totem for today is "Boar." Wild Boars roamed freely
through the forests of Britain and Ireland, as evidenced by the many
places named after them such as Boarhill, Boarhunt, and Wild Boar Fell.
The Celts venerated the Boar and Pig as sacred animals connected with
prophecy and magical powers; swineherds were considered magicians and
were highly honoured. Some grades of Druids were called "pigs" and the
flesh of certain red pigs was chewed in a divination rite called Imbas
Forosnai. Though the Celts loved pork, the meat was reserved for special
feasts, especially Samhain and Yule. This may have been because of its
association with death and the underworld; joints of pork were buried
with nobles for use in the afterlife. When Boar charges into your cards
he issues a challenge that must be met with all your resources. Boars
prefer to run in straight lines, going directly to their goal without
veering to the right or left. They are capable of bursts of great speed,
short lived, but incredibly powerful while they last. Don't vacillate -
go straight to the heart of the matter and tackle it head on. Use the
magic of Boar, and you will find that you are capable of far more than
you can possibly imagine. In the story of Mannanan's pigs, the meat will
only cook in the cauldron if a truth is spoken for each quarter. The
cauldron is a vessel of transformation, and the pork is spiritual
sustenance, which can only be gained through truth. To lie or take the
easy option is not the path of the hero, who must show both personal and
moral courage when faced with a difficult trial.
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